Tell Your Members of Congress: Stop ALL Fracked Gas Exports

The Biden administration just announced "a temporary pause" on approvals for liquefied natural gas (LNG) export facilities throughout the country. This is a tremendous step forward, but this campaign isn’t over until ALL fracked gas exports are stopped permanently.

Under President Biden, the U.S. has become the world's biggest LNG exporter. These oil and gas export projects cause disastrous levels of fossil fuel pollution. Speaker Johnson, Senator Barrasso, and other oil and gas-friendly elected officials are pushing legislation to maintain business as usual by restricting President Biden’s ability to stem the flow of fossil fuel exports.


Tell your Members of Congress to reject attempts to fast-track LNG approvals. Anything less than a permanent halt to the further expansion of this deadly industry is unacceptable.

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Tell your Members of Congress: Stop ALL Fracked Gas Exports
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